WWE: 7 Recent Gimmicks That Did Not Live Up To The Hype

2. Brodus Clay

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aTA12vnHc0E The debut/return of Brodus Clay in late 2011 was one of the most ridiculous things WWE was doing at the time. They kept hyping him up as this big deal and had John Laurinaitis mention repeatedly that it would be "next week." It took about three months before they debuted him in his new role. Brodus wasn't booked as a badass heel. Oh no. He was the "Funkasaurus" from "Planet Funk" that danced his way to the ring with his Funkadactyls. He didn't have any feuds either. All he really did was go out to the ring, wrestle for about two minutes, win the match and then dance. That's all it ever was. When they realized it was going nowhere as a singles guy, they teamed him up with Tensai to form the Tons of Funk team that never really went anywhere either. It was 2013. We just didn't care about two dancing fat guys. Maybe in 1987 the fans would have loved it. It's a smarter audience today. Recently, Clay turned heel. Did he receive a push? No. However, he recently said he was going to be a "main event playa" in the future. He has barely been on TV since uttering those words. Chances are good that he will not, in fact, be a main event player.

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John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.