WWE: 7 Superstars Who Had Supernatural Powers

6. Dungeon Of Doom

The Dungeon of Doom was a stable in mid-90s WCW full of some of the most ridiculous over the top characters in wrestling history. In a 2013 WWE.com interview, Kevin Sullivan (a WCW booker that was an on screen leader of the group) talked about how they created the group because they needed some heels for Hulk Hogan to feud with. A lot of people wondered what the point of the group was. Sullivan revealed that it was all a joke more than anything: "To me, it was tongue in cheek. The reason why I did it is at that time was I needed to get Hogan to trust me. I saw quite early that the clientele and fanbase had changed and Hogan couldn€™t fit into that style of wrestling at the time with the other guys who could really move in WCW. I wanted Hogan to feel comfortable with me." If it was a joke then why book them to be this top heel stable? They had Sullivan and this other guy known as The Master filming these silly vignettes with smoke permeating from everywhere while a bunch of wrestlers that we knew from WWE were in ridiculous gimmicks. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ruLQDpdQi4A They had John Tenta, formerly Earthquake, as The Shark while the former Brutus Beefcake was The Zodiac. At least the Ugandan Giant Kamala got to keep his name. One of the most famous and hilariously bad segments was when Sullivan spoke about Hogan's demise was etched in stone, then he touched the wall and The Giant (WWE's Big Show) broke through a wall to choke out Hogan. So silly.

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John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.