WWE: 8 Matches That Should Happen At WrestleMania 30

World Heavyweight Championship

Dolph Ziggler (c) Vs Antonio Cesaro Vs Kofi Kingston

Match 6 Now this is coming straight out of left field but with this I would be looking for a fresh and new World Title match to highlight some of the more overlooked talent on the roster. True, Ziggler is the current World Heavyweight Champion but you can€™t help but feel he gets overlooked at all opportunities even as the Champ. Cesaro should be higher on the card already and, even without the recent rumours that Zeb Coulter may take him as a client, I thought that this pairing would be far better than Zeb and Jack €œI€™m Greener Than Green€ Swagger. It would also give the crowd a reason to care about Cesaro outside of his unreal matches with just about anyone on the roster. Kofi, god bless him, will never be a WWE Champion but I could see him having a short run as World Champion and think he should be rewarded for his work in the past by climbing further up the €˜Mania card than he ever has before. He€™s got genuine talent but he simply doesn€™t have the character and presence at this time to really be a Superstar. I think that could change quite easily! At present Kofi is out after undertaking surgery which no doubt coincides nicely with his new born son. Upon returning I would have Kofi mix it up immensely with a vast character change. We all know and love the smiley, care free Kofi we€™ve seen over the past 6 years but I think a new Kofi with an immensely dark undertone would go over even greater. His new tattoos and dark look would go great with an EXTREMELY stripped down witch doctor type gimmick. I€™m not saying he should be the next Papa Shango but the symbolism would work nicely with an aggressive, spiritual persona. Currently, his window for return falls nicely around Money in The Bank and would have him debut his new persona here in a victorious effort. Much like Ziggler before him, he will keep us waiting a long time before he cashes in. It seemed to value Dolph no end! Over the year all three will dip in and out of various feuds with top talent to really put them over and would have Ziggler as a face Champion as we enter Elimination Chamber. Again, as last year, have the Chamber match be qualification to compete for the World Title at €˜Mania and have Cesaro as the eventual winner. Hell, if Swagger was a shock who people thought didn€™t deserve it, then Cesaro would be a shock received by many in a much more desirable fashion. It would appear that Ziggler Vs Cesaro is set up for €˜Mania and we see the usual build of the two at each other€™s throats using their managers in Coulter and AJ to full effect. A couple of weeks before the big event the two men end up brawling in the ring with Cesaro coming out on top, only for a certain Mr Kingston to lamp him upside the face with the suitcase. With both competitors for the World Title down, he hands the suitcase to the timekeeper but picks up a mic. He declares that he could easily take Ziggler€™s title from him right now but, has a much better idea. Kofi wants to be in a WrestleMania main event and, with his possession of the contract, demands to be added to the match at WrestleMania. We get three guys who could very well shoot into superstardom in the next year in a triple threat match which promises to be an absolute delight of a match considering each wrestlers different styles. Winner: Kofi Kingston I€™m a little shocked at myself for even suggesting Kofi should be World Champion but feel a new character for him would work so well he could be a top class superstar. Hell, why not give him the title at the biggest event just to see if it sticks. I€™m sure many people around the world would like to see him as champion regardless of his reign. It also helps the mythos of the Money In The Bank Suitcase that only john Cena has failed to capture the gold but, people would be able to doubt this given the 3 way match and that the main reason for his using the briefcase was to be in a €˜Mania main event. Cesaro will get his turn one day, especially if I had something to do with it but his main use for this match is to craft a thing of beauty in the ring with two guys who could really do with a stellar match! Ziggler will be a two time champion at least so his legacy would be established already and again, a match with these two would cement his place on the roster as a top guy.

WhatCulture WWE Editor: An Ex Wrestler, Computer Game Retail Employee, Batman fanatic and all round nerdy man who's views on Wrestling and all that come with it border on the obsessive.