5. They Can Work - You Either Love Them Or Hate Them
Every wrestling fan knows that Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose are brilliant inside that ring, whether it was for FCW or in NXT or even in a Monday Night Raw ring; they always perform superbly. Roman Reigns is no slouch either, he may have less experience wrestling as he began training later than Ambrose and Rollins, but he does deserve all the credit he can get. The reason being if you take a look at how long he has been training, his rise to this stage is incredible, considering he signed a developmental contract in 2010; and here in 2013 he is holding a Tag Team Championship Belt, it does take a serious amount of dedication and talent to reach this level, so quickly and Roman Reigns has managed to do just that. They very rarely wrestled in televised matches until their championship wins where we have began to see more of them inside a Monday Night Raw or Friday Night Smackdown ring, but when they were not wrestling we were satisfied either because they made an appearance through the crowd and interfered in a match, or they cut a promo. The fact that they dont wrestle week in, week out is not a bad thing as they can remind us just how dangerous they are and that odd match they wrestle sits firmly in the back of our minds for the next time they make an appearance. The more matches we will see weekly, the less crowd attacks will occur; and the WWE Universe will take full notice of this. The WWE fans will come round and start to enjoy The SHIELD even move over the next year, I mean it took the fans a long time to finally come around for Dolph Ziggler, the same will happen for The SHIELD in due time. The reason we like The SHIELD are because they are fresh in the WWE; they have not been here before and have been repackaged into something else, they are straight from FCW or NXT and have made that jump to the main roster together. They are only young, in their 20s so they have plenty of years left in them to continue building their legacy, and we cannot forget that they are great in-ring performers. We also love to hate them because they are the epitome of the bad guys being the bullies and beating up the heroes each and every week. This is similar to John Cena, we all seem to have an opinion in regards to loving them or hating them; and in this business, it is a great formula for success.