WWE: 8 Things That Make The Shield So Good?

4. They Have A Mystery Factor

te3r All of them have a mystery factor, although many fans may have seen them in other promotions besides the WWE; some may not have seen Reigns, Ambrose or Rollins; many fans may not even follow NXT so the likelihood is that they are not familiar with Reigns before his debut when he competed as Leakee. Many fans may not have watch Ring of Honor and watched Seth Rollins compete as Tyler Black, so he too would have been a brand new face to many fans. Despite a very successful Indy career, how many people heard of Dean Ambrose prior to his WWE arrival, not many so it can be said that they have not really been seen before. So, they are three men we have never seen for the majority of the fans, three guys who come out of the crowd and beat down anyone they choose to, whether it is John Cena or Ryback or even The Rock. At first they have no clear motive, we have no clue why they are attacking everyone and not attacking CM Punk. Then they claim to be hounds of justice and are making the attacks to bring justice to the WWE. In one way, it is still a mystery as to what they are trying to achieve in regards to bringing justice, we have seen them capture the United States Championship and the Tag Team Championships, but will it stop there? Hopefully the WWE will go somewhere with this and clear up some of these questions, even if they don€™t it will not matter as the more secrets there are; the more there will be to reveal once this angle is finally over and hopefully that will not be any time soon.

20 years old. Sports Journalism student at UCLan. Avid fan of sports, movies, music, technology, gaming, WWE and comics. I also have an obsession with Assassin's Creed.