3. Daniel Bryan Jobbed Again
If you look over the pay per views since Summerslam 2013, Daniel Bryan has consistently been booked as a loser. Sooner or later that association is going to stick, so his loss last night yet again served to hurt his value. Some of the younger audience will undoubtedly have started to believe he isn't good enough by now. It's hard to see WWE's logic in relation to Bryan. His sympathetic underdog credentials were established months ago, he is as over as over can be, so these repeat big match losses serve no purpose in getting him more sympathy. Instead the screwy endings just make him look either stupid or a loser, at the same time as making WWE look terrible. Last night's latest Bryan screwjob was the worst yet. By having Bryan attack Kane it made Bryan look stupid, it made him look like he provoked the situation. Why not just focus on the match and winning the title? WWE creative set Bryan up to look bad by having him take his eye off the ball. A Daniel Bryan win at Elimination Chamber would have restored a good feeling for Wrestlemania 30, instead he lost again and the lack of anticipation for the New Orleans show remains.