WWE Backlash 2016: 10 Awesome Moments

6. Becky Lynch Is Almost Speechless

Bray Wyatt Randy Orton

A recurring theme since the brand extension landed is for WWE to hold in-ring interviews immediately before and after matches. This isn't a new thing by any means, but the idea does feel fresh following years of not seeing it on a regular basis. At Backlash, Becky Lynch was called upon to do some talking after winning the SmackDown Women's Title.

There was just one minor problem with that, Lynch appeared choked up with true emotion and didn't have an awful lot to say. What she did manage to utter came across well, and it was understandable that she was fighting back the tears. Her journey has been a long one, but it has finally culminated in the marvellous championship win.

Almost speechless at points, Becky didn't seem to be in the mood for chat. Instead, she looked like she couldn't wait to get back to her hotel room and let the moment sink in. Nobody can grudge Lynch that, and her lack of verbal dexterity will be easily forgiven in rapid fashion. Her passion shone through.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.