WWE Backlash 2016: 10 Awesome Moments

4. Bray Wyatt Crashes Kane Through The Announce Table 

Bray Wyatt Randy Orton

Replacing the injured Randy Orton was Kane, which - being honest - could have been a recipe for disaster. The 'Big Red Machine' is hardly a top guy in WWE currently, and certainly not on the same level as Orton. However, this was a case of needs must for those calling the shots, and the No Holds Barred encounter between Kane and Bray Wyatt turned out well.

One of the chief highlights came when Wyatt callously hurled his own body high into the air and crashed down on his opponent back-first. As if adding insult to injury, Kane was prone on the announce desk, and the surface gave way with a satisfying crunch.

Credit to Bray, he really made sure to get height on that jump. There are few things more depressing for fans than seeing a table refuse to break, but there was no threat of that here. By far, this was one of the most hardcore spots of the entire show, fitting given the match stipulation on offer.

It may not have been what was pre-advertised, but Kane stepped up to the mark and put his body on the line to entertain.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.