WWE Backlash 2016: 10 Awesome Moments

3. Randy Orton RKO's Bray Wyatt

Bray Wyatt Randy Orton

Earlier in the show, Randy Orton was shown behind the curtain taking quite the beating from Bray Wyatt. This was shot in an interesting way, the camera man wasn't quite on the scene as the director cut to him. Running down the hallway, he was then able to catch Wyatt slamming Orton's leg with a door in a vicious manner.

Revenge was surely on the cards from that very moment, even if it was mere set up to explain why a match between the pair scheduled for the pay-per-view had been cancelled. As aforementioned, Wyatt faced Kane, but Randy would have his moment in the sun on the event. All he needed was one RKO, a move that was greeted with a huge pop from those watching around ringside.

Orton was keen to sell injuries to his leg, but also came across desperate enough that he would ignore pain temporarily if it meant he could humble Bray once again. There will be grumbles about Wyatt losing to Kane, but few inside the arena were complaining by the sounds of the cheering that accompanied the RKO.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.