WWE Backlash 2016: 10 Things WWE Got Right

7. Carmella Pinning Nikki Bella

Dean Ambrose AJ Styles

Defying pre-match expectations, the Six-Pack Challenge bout to crown a new SmackDown Women's Champion was a red hot opener for Backlash. There were worries that these women wouldn't be handed enough time, but the near-15 minutes they were given proved to be the perfect amount. Some of the eliminations were also well-executed too.

Most notably, Carmella ended Nikki Bella's dreams of becoming the first SmackDown Women's Champ. The pair had been feuding before the pay-per-view, so this wasn't out of the blue. Now, Bella can be rightly frustrated if Carmella crows about pinning her at Backlash, meaning Nikki can help develop the rookie's reputation further on the main roster.

As Carmella was booked to take the submission loss to Becky Lynch, it was imperative that she looked strong going into that moment. Eliminating Nikki Bella was representative of that, the former associate of Enzo Amore and Big Cass pulled off the upset by rolling up the comparative veteran.

Carmella pinning Bella was a shrewd decision by management, they were looking beyond the result of the Six-Pack Challenge.


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