WWE Backlash 2016: 10 Things You Might Have Missed

9. Heath Slater & Rhyno's Brilliant Interview Segment

Dean Ambrose WWE Title
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Another Kickoff moment that may have been skipped was the Social Media Lounge segment involving Heath Slater and Rhyno. For those who enjoyed the odd couple tag-team winning the SmackDown Tag-Team Titles on the pay-per-view, you owe it to yourself to go back and watch their quite brilliant interaction beforehand.

Tom Phillips does an expert job of not cracking when Chris Jericho and Kevin Owens call him the wrong name, but even he couldn't keep laughter at bay. Rhyno played the stoic straight man to Slater's more amped up persona, and it was awesome entertainment. This could even be the best Social Media skit in Kickoff history.

To some, that's not saying a lot, so many of these segments are routine and relatively dull. Slater and Rhyno were able to make it exciting though, even talking about all the things they could do with the money that being SmackDown Tag Champs brings.

This was subtle character development, putting across the blossoming friendship both men share and acknowledging their individual aspirations to be known as a champion in WWE.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.