WWE Battleground 2016: 10 Things WWE Got Right

8. Playing The Fear Game With Xavier Woods Early

Kevin Owens Sami Zayn

Wildly inconsistent and lacking cohesion to really make it impactful, the Wyatt Family compound idea WWE had - whether it aped TNA or not - was let down by subsequent booking. The main problem was that The New Day showed fear one minute, then were laughing and joking the next. Cheerfully, Battleground was able to tie everything together nicely.

From the off, Xavier Woods looked like he was watching a horror movie upon locking eyes with Bray Wyatt. That's how it should have been all along, but at least management booked this to happen during the most meaningful match of the entire feud.

The fact that Xavier had an air of the haunted about him right at the start of the bout only helped the conclusion. Firing up eventually on Wyatt and his cronies, Woods came across like a genuine star.

There's a chance the positive reaction his spirit received from fans would not have happened had he not seemed to stricken with fear as the opening bell sounded. That moment when Wyatt coldly looked at Xavier dead in the eyes was fantastic.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.