WWE Black Wednesday Releases 2020 - Where Are They Now? (One Year Later)
21. The Performance Center Crew

For their similar circumstances pre and post-release, the followed wrestlers can all be thrown together: Aleksandar Jaksic, MJ Jenkins, Dorian Mak, Mars Wang, Edgar Lopez, Faisal Kurdi, Hussain Aldagal, Marcos Gomes, Mohamed Fahim, Omari Palmer, Rocky, and Yifeng.
None of these wrestlers were appearing on WWE television with any degree of regularity, though they were training at the Performance Center. Similarly, nobody from these group has been signed to another promotion yet.
Jaksic now competes as Zora Veste and worked a couple of indie dates in Germany last year. Jenkins, meanwhile, wrestled on a single AEW show in July 2020, but is yet to re-emerge on a more regular basis.