WWE Brighton Live - 10 Interesting Observations

8. Damien Sandow Can Dance

Next out was Fandango, whose entrance music still gets a pop in the UK due to it making the charts a few years ago. Fandango joined in with the crowd€™s arm dancing to his music. He then introduced his partner, Damien Sandow, back in his blue robe and towel, who received a good welcome from fans who went crazy for him last year as Miz€™s stunt double. This showed how far he has fallen since then as people didn€™t even know he was on the show. He didn€™t come out to his Hallelujah music either, which was disappointing. But then he disrobed on the ramp and start dancing, gyrating his hips to the music. The man can dance! His music was suddenly cut short and Adam Rose came out, with no music and no video. Unfortunately, most people didn€™t actually realise who he was (not many viewers of Superstars in Brighton clearly) and gave him a loud chant of €œWho are ya?€. His partner was perennial jobber Heath Slater, who Rose actually introduced as the man who has lost more matches than anyone else in WWE history. Unsurprisingly, they lost, with Slater being pinned by Fandango after a sunset flip. Yes, a sunset flip. In 2015. The crowd were into the match but it just felt like a random throwing together of four people without any feuds or storylines to bulk out the numbers.

Dean Ayass is a well known name to British wrestling fans. A commentator, manager, booker and ring announcer who has been involved in the business since 1993, Dean's insight into the business is second to none.