WWE Brighton Live - 10 Interesting Observations

5. Has CM Punk€™s Podcast Had An Effect On Ryback?

In CM Punk€™s controversial podcast with his friend Colt Cabana last year, he had a lot to say about Ryback, all of it negative. Punk stated that working with Ryback €œtook twenty years off my life€ and alleged that he was clumsy, heavy handed and kept hurting him. Punk alleged that Ryback kept messing things up to the point that he asked him if he was doing it on purpose. Ryback denied all Punk€™s allegations regarding his work and his adherence to the Wellness policy and continues to wrestle in the WWE, so draw your own conclusions. However, it was noticeable during that six man tag (with three very large men on the opposite team) that Ryback€™s offence was a lot lighter than the Usos. His clotheslines, his slams, everything looked lighter than before. Have Punk€™s comments had any bearing on Ryback€™s style of work, either consciously or subconsciously? Or was he just having an easy night?

Dean Ayass is a well known name to British wrestling fans. A commentator, manager, booker and ring announcer who has been involved in the business since 1993, Dean's insight into the business is second to none.