WWE Brighton Live - 10 Interesting Observations

4. The Divas Revolution Hasn€™t Hit Brighton€™s Kids Yet

During the interval and in the first half of the show, I heard several different children indicate to their parents that they weren€™t fans of the Divas. One lad in the queue for the toilets said to his dad that, if the Divas match had been on in the first half, he would have gone then, as the Divas matches are €œboring€. This view was echoed by another child in the row behind me and someone else said that the queues at the merchandise stall was too long and that he would go when the Divas match was on. Perhaps once these kids hit puberty, they will be more interested in the Divas division, but if these comments are representative of the WWE Universe as a whole, then the Divas division is missing out on a large portion of their audience. Kids are loud, and getting them invested in the Divas matches will certainly help to kick start €œThe Divas Revolution€.

Dean Ayass is a well known name to British wrestling fans. A commentator, manager, booker and ring announcer who has been involved in the business since 1993, Dean's insight into the business is second to none.