WWE Clash Of Champions 2020: 10 Most Likely Outcomes

4. The Universal Championship Match Will Tell An Amazing Story


Roman Reigns' heel turn is the most exciting thing in WWE right now - and not just because we've been waiting years for it to happen. It also boasts one of the most refreshing heel characters in recent WWE history because, even though he's now on the villainous side of things, he hasn't adopted every tired old heel trope.

One of those tropes he has avoided is turning on family; something that has been conveyed through a mostly solid partnership with cousin Jey Uso in spite of the fact that they're about to face off at Clash of Champions. And if that isn't the most refreshing champion/challenger dynamic heading into an event built on nothing but forced match-ups, then your writer doesn't know what is.

Reigns and Uso have a competitive dynamic that could very well influence their match. We know the latter won't walk away with the gold but, if WWE play their cards right, we could all have a damn great time watching him try.

Let Jey Uso be the underdog here and attempt to take the gold from Big Dog. If that happens - and we get a good guy vs. bad guy match that feels nothing like a typical good guy vs. bad guy match - these two could end up bringing the virtual house down. Then again, a complete heel turn from Roman three quarters through the match where he demolishes his resilient cousin could also work a treat.

Either way, this match will thrive on its storytelling.


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.