WWE Clash Of Champions 2020: 10 Most Likely Outcomes

3. Randy Orton Will Become The WWE Champion


The Ambulance Match stipulation is a curious one. On one hand, it might just be an attempt to capitalise on the animosity between two bitter rivals like Randy Orton and Drew McIntyre, but on the other, it might be a plot device designed to allow the challenger to walk away with the belt. After all, McIntyre wouldn't have to take a pinfall to lose the title and considering there's always some kind of ridiculous antics in one of these matches, this would allow the creative team to keep the champion looking strong in defeat.

But it's not just the stipulation that suggests this. Orton has been on fire over the last few months, cutting some his best promo work in years and delivering some solid-to-great matches, but that fire was extinguished a little after he lost clean to the champion at SummerSlam and to main roster newbie Keith Lee on Raw.

The veteran certainly doesn't need another loss, so that, the fact that he managed to regain some of that fire last week and the Ambulance Match stipulation suggests that The Viper could find himself wearing gold again very soon.

As for how he could ultimately defeat McIntyre...


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.