WWE Crown Jewel 2021: 10 Things That Must Happen

9. Omos Takes A Huge RKO

Brock Lesnar Paul Heyman

Nobody sees a Raw Tag Title switch coming here.

That's fine, because the match still has value, but it'd be nice if Omos started making moves beyond his 'indestructible giant' routine. Again, that's also fine. However, the big guy is gonna have to start selling some sh*t eventually. WWE can double up on producing a solid match and Omos' first meaningful bump on Thursday night.

It'd take some setting up, to be fair. Maybe Randy Orton could leap off the security barricade and smash Omos with an RKO "out of nowhere" through the announce table. Or, perhaps he and Riddle might fancy playing Shield and hitting one of those huge power bombs Roman Reigns used to.

They've got options, at least. Long story short, RK-Bro should defend by removing Omos from the equation with a killer spot. Then, they can focus solely on AJ Styles and he can take the pin for his side as usual.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.