WWE Crown Jewel 2021: 10 Things That Must Happen

4. Big E Retains Strongly

Brock Lesnar Paul Heyman

This, despite the workers involved, is the most 'house show' of the title matches on Thursday. That's not meant as a knock at either Big E or Drew McIntyre; they're great, but this is definitely something the writers just want to burn through before the latter jogs on to SmackDown.

WWE has resisted the urge to turn Drew for the sake of Crown Jewel too, which is the right call. He still has cash in the bank with fans as a babyface, and should be a fine addition to Friday nights. Here, it's most important that E retains with a strong win and then moves on to a larger scale program against someone else.

Suggestion: Drew avoids using his Claymore Kick. That's such a killer finish that it should be held back for matches McIntyre is going to win. Fighting valiantly against the WWE Champ and then tasting the Big Ending for a three count is more than enough.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.