WWE Crown Jewel 2023: 10 Things That Must Happen

9. The Miz Watches GUNTHER Up Close

WWE Crown Jewel 2023 LA Knight

It looks like ye olde Miz is heading for another stab at the babyface game. He's being lined up as GUNTHER's next Intercontinental Title opponent, which is fine. Of course, it remains to be seen if WWE can get face Miz right. It's sure been a struggle any other time they've tried it.

Come Saturday, nobody would complain if Trips stuck GUNTHER in a multi-man and had he-with-the-tiny-balls watch on from behind the commentary desk. Miz has shown his chops on guest comms before, and he'd be able to put over GUNTHER's dazzling skills as the Imperium leader defended his prize.

Who should the challengers be? Well, Adam Pearce sort of set up Ricochet, Bronson Reed and Ivar for title cracks on Raw. They'd be solid choices, then The Miz can get right in GUNTHER's face post-match for a hearty brawl that confirms the former's newfound babyface switch.

Simple, but still a decent idea nonetheless.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.