WWE Elimination Chamber 2019: 10 Things It Got Right

1. Prolonging Daniel Bryan’s Eco-Friendly Reign

Daniel Bryan

It wasn't to be. Good.

As thrilling as Kingston's unforeseen rise to prominence in 2019 has been, he wouldn't be a better WWE Champion right now than mega-heel Daniel Bryan. In fact, it would have been a complete shame to see Bryan's 'Captain Planet' gig flushed down the toilet at the Chamber just so WWE could placate an underdog story.

Don't forget that Bryan, in TV land, still sees himself as an underdog too. He's just one who can see the light when others bathe themselves in darkness, and that makes him a wonderful villain. To those who do care about the world, Bryan's overtly-preachy behaviour ruins their argument, and to those who dislike being lectured he's an insufferable, overbearing sh*t.

Through it all, DB is the right man to be WWE Champion heading into this year's WrestleMania supercard. All he needs now is the right rival to bring the best out in his eco-friendly evolution in New Jersey. Bring it on.


What else do you think WWE got right at Elimination Chamber? Let us know down in the comments section below!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.