WWE Fastlane 2021: 10 Nightmares That Could Happen

3. Daniel Bryan Looks Like A Jobber

Bray Wyatt Sunburn

There's a reason that WrestleMania graphic from SmackDown was used here.

It made Daniel Bryan look like the brand's resident third-wheeler. Fans had already seen the graphic for Roman Reigns vs. Edge, so slicing up the space to give Dan some house room was always going to look second-rate. Admittedly, it could be worse, and Bryan is still part of Fastlane's most intriguing match.

The nightmare thought here is that Edge, as the 'Special Guest Enforcer' (he'll beat Jey Uso on Friday's SmackDown), has to quickly forgive Bryan for that running knee last week. Why? Well, because his future 'Mania opponent Reigns is destroying the workhorse and making Daniel look like a lowly jobber.

Will this happen? Probably not. Is it impossible? No. Anyone expecting another back-and-forth epic like these guys had at Fastlane 2015 may leave disappointed. WWE's focus is story, and they'll be more concerned with making Roman and Edge look good than Daniel Bryan.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.