WWE Fastlane 2021: 10 Nightmares That Could Happen

2. Randy Orton RKO’s Alexa Bliss

Bray Wyatt Sunburn

Alexa Bliss has done a stellar job of keeping Randy Orton warm for Bray Wyatt whilst the 'Fiend' gets skin grafts following that fiery angle at December's TLC. Her childlike promos are over-the-top but compelling, and there's money in Bliss alongside another incarnation of Wyatt down the road.

She shouldn't get her full comeuppance just yet.

More specifically, Alexa shouldn't get blasted with an RKO at Fastlane. Typing that sentence felt mad, because nobody could've seen this "match" coming. It doesn't matter if it's cinematic or not; WWE will look pretty bad if they have Orton hit Bliss with his finisher or punt her in the skull (imagine?!).

Nothing should be ruled out though. This is such an outrageous scenario anyway, and WWE might reason that any fantasy-based cinematic vibes would save them from criticism. They do, however, need to be careful not to present Randy as a guy who'd willingly batter Alexa Bliss senseless for the fun of it.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.