WWE Fastlane 2021: 10 Nightmares That Could Happen

1. The ‘Fiend’ Returns Unchanged

Bray Wyatt Sunburn

Bray Wyatt's 'Fiend' is coming back at some point.

When he does, he must reflect some sort of change after Randy Orton set the character ablaze at TLC three months ago. It'd be pretty crappy if Bray's alter ego marched out mid-Orton vs. Alexa Bliss madness as though he hadn't been torched to death just before Christmas and only had mild sunburn.

This is pro wrestling though, and such logical loopholes do happen often. Still, there can't be many behind the scenes in WWE clamouring for another chapter of Orton vs. 'Fiend' if that monster doesn't have some sort of twist. They've been there, done that. A WrestleMania repeat would need some fresh spin to make it watchable.

Foreheads will be palmed worldwide if Wyatt's 'Fiend' turns up at Fastlane without any sign of lasting damage or trauma from Orton's pyromania. Their story, whilst ridiculous, has earned that sense of continuity.

What other nightmares could happen at WWE Fastlane 2021? For more wrestling, check out 21 Things You Probably Missed From WWE Raw (March 15) and 10 Times WWE Wrestlers FINALLY Broke Character (And Why)!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.