WWE Hell In A Cell: 10 Awesome Moments

10. 6-Man Tag Match Sets The Tone Nicely

Some fans don't think the monthly 'Kickoff' show really serves much of a purpose. Something it does do is enable WWE to set the tone for the upcoming Pay-Per-View properly. Renee Young, Booker T, Byron Saxton and Corey Graves are suitably enthusiastic about what's in store, which only helps things motor along. Further to that, there can sometimes be a hidden gem of a match. That proved to be the case at Hell In A Cell. Dolph Ziggler, Neville and Cesaro squared off against the team of Rusev, 'King' Barrett and Sheamus. The result was satisfying for the live crowd, a babyface win, and the action was frenetic enough to set the stage. On the main card, this one would not have been handed over 10 minutes, but that was the case here. The Kickoff position was perfect for the bout, and kept everyone in the public eye perfectly. Better yet, it provided Sheamus with something more than simply threatening to cash in his 'Money In The Bank' privileges. 'King' Barrett was booked to take the fall, but the 6-man tag-team affair was lively. That's exactly what it's there to do, and these guys delivered.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.