WWE: Kane's Top 7 Tag Team Partners

3. Daniel Bryan

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m0PKCdWbHaE Often being thrown into a tag team with a veteran like Kane is with the idea of giving a superstar a push and it did exactly that as Daniel Bryan came through his allegiance with Kane, as Team Hell No, as the most popular performer in the WWE. The pair came together in mid 2012 after a run of comedy segments, where the pair would go to anger management meetings on the back of them both feuding with then-WWE champion CM Punk and being involved in a love triangle with AJ Lee. The popularity of this unlikely duo transformed the pair from being heels to babyfaces. They won the WWE Tag Team titles for the first time at Night of Champions in September of 2012, belts which they would hold on to for 245 days. The feueded with Team Rhodes Scholars (Damien Sandow and Cody Rhodes) and The Shield before making a successful defence of their titles against Dolph Ziggler and Big E Langston at WrestleMania 29 in April 2013. They would then become embroiled in another feud with The Shield after WrestleMania and dropped the belts to the pair of Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins on the May 19 Extreme Rules PPV. Their feud with The Shield would continue until the build-up to Summerslam in August, when Daniel Bryan was chosen by John Cena as his challenger for the WWE title at the event, and Kane was in a feud with the Wyatt Family. Such was the success of Team Hell No and the rising popularity of Daniel Bryan on the back of that, that he won the WWE title, whilst Kane was taken out of action and off-screen for several months at the hands of the Wyatt Family. They have not re-formed as a team, as Kane returned as a heel 'Corporate Kane', who is incidentally currently feuding with Bryan.
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Martin Perry is a writer for WhatCulture, who has a passion for the blood, sweat and tears world of Boxing, and an enthusiasm for the world of WWE. Other interests include Football and Darts. You can follow and contact him on Twitter @MartinPez