WWE Night Of Champions: 10 Hidden Gem Matches You Must See

10. Team Hell No vs. R-Truth & Kofi Kingston (2012)

As a tandem, Daniel Bryan and Kane were a complete riot. The team wasn't the first dysfunctional, 'odd couple' duo that Kane had formed, but it is one of the most memorable. 'Team Hell No' was a concept born out of the comedy-laden skits featuring both men, and they created a wholly entertaining unit. By Night Of Champions 2012, they were challenging for the WWE Tag-Team Titles. Speaking of random tag-teams, Kofi Kingston and R-Truth seemed to be shoved together simply because creative had nothing else for them. The differences between the teams could not have been more painfully obvious. Kane and Bryan made their random pairing seem worthwhile, whereas Truth and Kofi were floundering. Even still, the WWE Tag-Team Title bout between both units at Night Of Champions 2012 is well worth watching. Despite the limitations of their team, Truth and Kingston are excellent workers when in there with the right performers. Bryan and Kane were perfect foil, but the match is rarely mentioned.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.