WWE Night Of Champions: 10 Hidden Gem Matches You Must See

7. Cody Rhodes vs. Ted DiBiase (2011)

Speaking of WWE stars who have failed to really connect with the fans, that sentence could also sum up Ted DiBiase Jr's entire spell with the company. A solid worker, DiBiase struggled to fully assert himself as a dominant heel, and was never really over when playing the role of happy-go-lucky babyface who was out to win the fan's respect. There was a story to this one, and a lot of history. Both DiBiase and Cody Rhodes had previously been tag-team partners for years. Both had been part of the 'Legacy' faction led by Randy Orton, and the pair were equally trying to stamp their mark as singles stars and move further up the card. This led to an Intercontinental Title showdown at Night Of Champions 2011. The match was over relatively quickly, despite the duo's association over many years in WWE. Less than 10 minutes passed before Rhodes dispatched his babyface opponent, but that doesn't tell the full story. This is a very under-rated performance by both men, and given a little more time they could have produced something special. As it stands, they had an overlooked bout that deserved more attention.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.