WWE No Mercy 2017: 10 Things WWE Got Right

8. Enzo Amore Resorting To Cheating

Enzo Amore Neville

First off, it was depressing to see WWE cut Neville's latest Cruiserweight Title reign short at just 35 days. Akira Tozawa shouldn't have ended the last one right before SummerSlam and Enzo Amore definitely shouldn't have won the gold here. Still, at least WWE had the sense to have Enzo cheat.

After teasing he might clock Neville with the title itself, Amore then booted the Englishman right in the nuts behind the referee's back and rolled him up for the win. The surprise victory worked well even in spite of it being the wrong result long term; if nothing else, Enzo's first singles title triumph provoked a nice reaction from the live crowd.

It remains to be seen whether or not the loudmouth Amore will succeed with the Cruiserweight title. That is WWE's next challenge, because the No Mercy match proved he's nowhere near as accomplished inside the ring as someone like Neville.


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