WWE NXT TakeOver: The End: 10 Awesome Moments

1. Camera Lingers On Finn Balor & Samoa Joe Post-Match

Samoe Joe NXT Champion

If there's one thing WWE have achieved with NXT, it's producing a wrestling show that's easy to follow and tells simple (yet worthwhile) stories. The commentary team must be given praise for this, Phillips and Graves were superb at TakeOver: The End, but the camera crew and production staff deserve plaudits too.

After Samoa Joe had beaten Finn Balor to defend the NXT Title, cameras didn't quickly cut away to the announce desk, live crowd or fade to black. Instead, they repeatedly lingered on both men involved, switching between Balor's heartbreak, his threat of injury in the middle of the ring and Joe's dominating sneer with the title belt in his grasp.

The message was clear, Joe had won the rivalry and was ready for a new challenge. Meanwhile, WWE told a story with Finn. Medical staff checked on him mid-ring, leading to questions over where he goes from this point on.

It was straightforward, but that was a genius move. TakeOver: The End concluded with simultaneous answers for one man and questions for another.

What other awesome moments did you see at NXT TakeOver: The End? Let us know your thoughts down in the comments section below!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.