WWE NXT TakeOver: The End: 10 Awesome Moments

6. Double Ankle Lock By American Alpha

Samoe Joe NXT Champion

A rematch from TakeOver: Dallas, American Alpha looked to defend the NXT Tag-Team Titles against the men they won them from in April. Dash Wilder and Scott Dawson appear like a modern day Tully Blanchard and Arn Anderson (respectively), and their more traditional style gels well with the athletic aspects of Chad Gable and Jason Jordan.

Crucially, the heels looked to cheat whenever they had the chance. There were little nuances from both tandems that really helped the match come across well, like Dawson hurling his partner back into the ring to save him from being counted out, or Jordan leading his foes into a trap.

A big double Clothesline from a flying Gable looked excellent, but it was a double Ankle Lock from the defending champions that had fans rocking. People simply love American Alpha, their Kurt Angle-like athleticism has really hit the mark.

It can't be ironic that they used the Ankle Lock more than once during this match, but their double Ankle Lock spot was by far one of the most striking moments of the entire night.


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