WWE Payback 2023: 10 Things That Must Happen

2. Lita Returns

WWE Payback 2023 Shinsuke Nakamura


As aforementioned, seeing Trish Stratus become someone aspiring babyface stars knock off her lofty perch sounds fun in the long run. First though, none other than Lita should return to a big pop and chase Trish and Zoey Stark away as they put the boots to Becky post-cage match.

A tag-team clash between these women would be ideal for Fastlane or beyond. Then, and only then, Stratus can continue building faces after Lita gets some revenge for what happened earlier in the year. Trish did ruin her Women's Tag Title run alongside 'Big Time Becks' by turning into a conniving turncoat, after all.

There's another layer to this as well. Zoey would benefit from working alongside three bonafide legends in a heavily promoted tag situation. She has to be loving life as Stratus' on-screen associate, so it's in WWE's best interests to keep pounding that drum as long as they can.

Hit this theme and watch Pittsburgh pop.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.