WWE Power Rankings - May 10th 2014

3. Evolution

Anyone who lacked excitement about the reunion of the stable after nearly a decade were proved wrong at Extreme Rules. Competing in the match of the night the three men felt more interesting and relevant than they have in a long time (with the exception of Triple H facing Bryan at WrestleMania). Together they have a purpose and a renewed presence and provided The Shield with one of their biggest rubs since their arrival a year and a half ago. Triple H gained revenge on The Shield the following night by first putting Ambrose against impossible odds to lose his title before placing the three men against the Wyatts to close the show. Obviously Evolution got involved and this time they completely wiped the floor with The Shield, destroying them in and around the ring and putting the exclamation point on it by stealing The Shield€™s triple powerbomb and using it on Reigns. Evolution continued a strong follow-up to Extreme Rules with Batista getting a countout victory over The Shield€™s Seth Rollins in a great match on SmackDown.

Founder of ForTheRecordNews.com; he is a long time fan of wrestling, television, film, sports and video games from North Yorkshire.