WWE Power Rankings - May 10th 2014

5. Cesaro And Paul Heyman

Heyman€™s promo to introduce Cesaro at Extreme Rules was yet another master-class in how to play to his fans cheers and turn them into boos immediately. Cesaro himself won the great opening match at Extreme Rules and despite Heyman€™s efforts, he was even a fan favourite over hardcore legend Rob Van Dam. The result always seemed inevitable but the execution was effective. Heyman cut another good promo before Cesaro€™s match with RVD and Cesaro certainly kept up his end of the bargain. He had another great match with Van Dam and avoided having a re-run of the pay-per-view by getting himself disqualified after refusing to stop punching RVD in the corner. Heyman having to talk him down to avoid a suspension really talks up how dangerous he can be in the same vein as Heyman€™s other client Brock Lesnar. It also worked to finally have the crowd boo Cesaro who WWE want to keep as a heel for some reason. Cesaro picked up the pinfall victory on Smackdown, pinning former Intercontinental Champion Big E in tag team action. The match was quick and decisive while Heyman did another good job on commentary.

Founder of ForTheRecordNews.com; he is a long time fan of wrestling, television, film, sports and video games from North Yorkshire.