WWE Power Rankings - May 10th 2014

4. Bad News Barrett

New Intercontinental Champion after defeating Big E in a great match at Extreme Rules while having the entire crowd on his side. The Bad News gimmick has gone over brilliantly since he stepped back into the ring since WrestleMania and WWE accidentally have a potentially big face star on their hands if they continue using him in the same effective manner as he has been. Let€™s just hope he doesn't slip into the curse of an endless stream of non-title losses that previous secondary champions (including Barrett himself) have become victims of. Barrett came out on top in the rematch on Raw as well in another good match. Whilst a few of the moments were recycled they were generally done with a fresh variation so that viewers who caught the original match didn€™t feel like it was a re-run. Barrett was on the winning team on SmackDown as well, teaming with Cesaro against the team of RVD and Big E in a quick match. The Bad News gimmick is a fun one and the fans in attendance all seem to be enjoying it.

Founder of ForTheRecordNews.com; he is a long time fan of wrestling, television, film, sports and video games from North Yorkshire.