WWE: Ranking The Previous 12 Battle Royals In Wrestlemania History

7. WrestleMania XV - Sunday Night Heat Battle Royal

Sunday Night Heat: Test and D-Lo Brown co-won a battle royal at 4:16 when Droz and the Godfather eliminated each other; other participants included: Bradshaw, Farooq, Steve Blackman, Brian Christopher, Road Warrior Hawk, Road Warrior Animal, 8-Ball, Skull, WWF Light Heavyweight Champion Gillberg, Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, Mideon, Tiger Ali Singh, Viscera, Rocco Rock, and Johnny Grunge. Why it isn't ranked any higher: Test and D'Lo co-won the right to face the WWF Tag Team Champions of Owen Hart and Jeff Jarrett later that night (Hart and Jarrett retained in less than four minutes when Debra, Ivory, Jacqueline, and Terri Runnels all interfered.) It would have made more sense for one of the actual tag teams in the match to win, and there were quite a few: The Acolytes, the Legion of Doom, Disciples of Apocalypse, The Hardy Boyz, the Public Enemy, and even Mideon/Viscera. Interesting Fact: This match lasted 18-seconds longer than the resulting Tag Team Title match.

The 'House is a father of two and husband of one in Minnesota. He is an improv comedian, and in his spare time follows WWE, MLB, The Simpsons, and Bob's Burgers. Growing up he was a huge fan of He-Man, and refuses to believe that it was in fact terrible.