WWE: Ranking The Previous 12 Battle Royals In Wrestlemania History

5. WrestleMania 24 - 24 Man Battle Royal

PreShow: Shown live on WWE.com: Kane won a 24-man battle royal by last eliminating Mark Henry with a boot to the face at 6:23; other participants included: Deuce, Festus, Domino, Jim Duggan, the Great Khali, Stevie Richards, Elijah Burke, Mike Mizanin, Jamie Noble, Shannon Moore, Jimmy Wang Yang, Jesse, Trevor Murdoch, Lance Cade, Brian Kendrick, Kofi Kingston, Cody Rhodes, Chuck Palumbo, Tommy Dreamer, and Hardcore Holly Why isn't it ranked higher: The winner of this match received an ECW Championship Match that night against ECW Champion Chavo Guerrero, and Kane took the opportunity to add another title to his name. And he did so by appearing from under the ring, attacking Chavo from behind at the bell, and delivering a chokeslam for the win and the title at 11 seconds (six minutes and 12 seconds quicker than the Battle Royal.) This was the only time the ECW Championship was defended at a WrestleMania; it deserved more time and story than it was actually given. Interesting Fact: Tommy Dreamer and Stevie Richards were the only two "ECW Originals" in the Battle Royal. Dreamer made it to the Final 5 before being eliminated by Mark Henry.

The 'House is a father of two and husband of one in Minnesota. He is an improv comedian, and in his spare time follows WWE, MLB, The Simpsons, and Bob's Burgers. Growing up he was a huge fan of He-Man, and refuses to believe that it was in fact terrible.