WWE: Ranking Randy Savage's 8 Matches At WrestleMania

3. WrestleMania 8 vs. Ric Flair

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6KzuNuBfWY Savage was back in the WWE Title picture at WrestleMania 8 as the challenger to Ric Flair, who was making his WrestleMania debut in 1992. They made the feud very personal due to Flair saying that he had a previous relationship with Savage's wife Elizabeth. It was all a lie because that's what heels do, but it infuriated Savage and made him want to destroy Flair. The match had everything you want in a WrestleMania title match. The crowd was hot for everything they did because the story was so great, two of the best workers in the business, Flair even bled even though he got in trouble for it and of course a satisfying finish at the end too. It really was a wild finish with so many things going on. Mr. Perfect (Flair's buddy) went into the ring, he distracted the ref and Flair decked Savage with the dreaded brass knucks. Perfect even hit Savage with a chair without the ref looking. Then Elizabeth made her way down to ringside, which sent the crowd into a frenzy and Savage was able to overcome a Figure Four Leglock by Flair too. It was interesting that Savage didn't win with the flying elbow off the top. Instead, he was hobbling on one leg and rolled up Flair and won the WWE Title that way. He even grabbed the tights, which wasn't a babyface move, but when you consider the cheating by the heels it was justified. That's something to think about too. Both of Savage's WWE Title wins at WrestleMania happened as a babyface and after he cheated to win. He was great in both the heel and face roles, but in a lot of ways his heel ways never really left him even when he was a face.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.