WWE Raw: 10 Things You May Have Missed (Dec 5)

7. Kevin Owens Trading Banter With Some Kids

Charlotte Ric Flair

Kevin Owens is set to collide with Roman Reigns for his WWE Universal Title at Roadblock: End Of The Line. As of right now, Roman's WWE United States Title isn't up for grabs, meaning there's a fair chance Owens will escape with his belt from the pay-per-view.

There should be no doubts that KO deserves to remain Universal Champion, he's a riot in the role. After getting smashed with a Chokeslam by The Big Show earlier in the broadcast, Owens managed to defeat Sami Zayn by using his Popup Powerbomb finishing move. That's when the real fun started.

Leaving the ring, KO held the WWE Universal Title belt out for fans to get a good look at. Some children around ringside decided to try and grab the strap, leading Owens to remind them that they would never be champion as long as they lived.

Owens didn't have a microphone when he chastised the kids, meaning some may not have heard what he said. If anyone did miss it, it's worth going back to take a look at.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.