WWE Raw: 10 Things You May Have Missed (Dec 5)

5. Mark Henry Squashing Titus O'Neil

Charlotte Ric Flair

Those who skim through Monday Night Raw on a weekly basis would have been confused to see Mark Henry vs. Titus O'Neil in a match billed as the 'Tussle In Texas'. There had been backstory to this one, coming in the form of an irate O'Neil being jealous of Henry for securing a movie role.

There was even a Tale Of The Tape wheeled out before the bout, and it was arguably on screen longer than the match actually lasted. In just over 20 seconds, Henry hit O'Neil with the World's Strongest Slam and picked up the pinfall victory over his foe.

It's hard to see what this achieves in the long run, although neither man is really a big hitter in WWE today. This was simple filler, over in a heartbeat. Those who do keep the fast-forward button handy for Raw probably didn't even notice it had happened.

Squash matches are nothing new since the brand split. That in mind, few have been given the build Henry vs. O'Neil was before taking place in the ring.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.