WWE Raw: 10 Things You May Have Missed (Dec 5)

4. Chris Jericho Actually Hit His Lionsault

Charlotte Ric Flair

Chris Jericho hadn't even arrived at the arena before Kevin Owens had set up a big title match for his 'best friend'. Facing Roman Reigns for the WWE United States Title, Y2J had warned his chum to stay backstage throughout the bout. Naturally, that was never going to happen and KO did make an appearance.

Before Owens interfered though, Jericho managed to hit a move he never gets to land in today's WWE. It'd be interesting to find out just how many times the Canadian has successfully executed his Lionsault on television this year. Somewhat unbelievably, he landed it on Roman Reigns here.

It's more common for opponents to get their knees up and stop the move from happening. There was a time when Jericho used the Lionsault as one of his main finishers, although it has become more of a transitional move as years have progressed.

The announcers didn't make a big deal out of Jericho landing the flip and the action moved on quickly. Therefore, some likely glossed over the fact a Lionsault was successful on Raw.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.