WWE Raw: 10 Things You Might Have Missed (July 25)

3. Supreme Harmony Between Announcers

Kevin Owens Rusev

Shaking up the announce teams on both Raw and SmackDown seemed like a very good idea months ago, there were many complaints about the banter between Michael Cole, JBL and Byron Saxton. Both Cole and Saxton remain on Monday nights, but they have now been joined by the fresh-feeling Corey Graves behind the announce desk.

Instantly, Raw had a smooth feel similar to what viewers may expect when tuning into a major sports broadcast. The announce table is no longer at ringside, instead situated up next to the entrance ramp. It wasn't just a switch of position that helped.

Cole played it straight, coming across as entirely neutral. Meanwhile, Saxton was a little more goofy, even doing an impersonation of Bob Backlund at one point. Completing the set, Graves had a little more cut and thrust to his announce style.

All complemented one another. For too long, the commentary on Raw hasn't been worth homing in on, neither has it really served to put over the various characters actually in the ring. It looks like things are about to change, so it's worth turning up that volume.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.