WWE Raw Debut Wrestlers: Where Are They Now?

8. Marty Jannetty

Marty Jannetty's career originally seemed to promise so much. Every bit as essential to the success of The Rockers as Shawn Michaels, there were high hopes that he too could have a solid singles run when the tandem split. Instead, Jannetty struggled for years to stay relevant. Meanwhile, Michaels shot to stardom and eventually become a WWE Hall Of Fame certainty by the end of the 1990's. Earlier in that decade, Jannetty was brought back for the purpose of an Intercontinental Title feud opposite his former partner. On the initial Monday Night Raw, he cut a promo claiming he would beat Michaels at the upcoming Royal Rumble event. That didn't happen, but Jannetty did win the IC gold in May of the same year. It would be the highest accolade he would achieve in the WWF. Today, Marty still wrestles and has made many special appearances for WWE over the years. His main bread and butter is working as a trainer for Chikara. At 55-years-old, he can still move well inside the ring, but obviously doesn't look the same as he did during that first Raw appearance. He has also struggled with substance abuse issues over the years and has some seriously knackered heels/ankles. Even so, it was a thrill for many to see him team with fellow 90s star Sean Waltman for Chikara in 2012.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.