WWE RAW Review: CM Punk Urns Respect

ALBERTO DEL RIO VS ANTONIO CESARO They made a big deal about this match considering it was Champion VS Champion. However, when these two went at it a few weeks ago, there was no mention of Champion VS Champion. I was immediately afraid that Cesaro was going to get armbar€™d in a matter of moments and that somehow Alberto Del Rio would win the US Title. That didn€™t happen. Instead, mid-way through the match, Jack Swagger comes out, attacks Ricardo and throws him into the steel steps. He targets the ankle that he injured last week. Del Rio leaves the match and chases Jack Swagger up the ramp. Cesaro wins the match by count out. I talked about the count-out situation in last week€™s review. This week we got a healthy helping of count out finishes that used the same trope I mentioned. The match wasn€™t bad but this was the first of many times that I felt the time between Elimination Chamber and Wrestlemania is too long. By the time all of these matches finally happen at Wrestlemania, I€™ll have already felt like I€™ve been watching the same thing for 6 months. TEAM HELL NO VS A TEAM THEY€™VE ALREADY BEATEN SEVERAL TIMES IN THE PAST MONTH How does the WWE follow up the hilarious and genius way they used the Primetime Players last week? Well, by having them get beat by Team Hell No. Again. This is the fourth or fifth time these teams have faced off in the past couple weeks. Thankfully, no one was blindfolded this time or any hokey stipulation like that. Dolph Ziggler and Big E, along with AJ appear on the ramp and watch the match of their Wrestlemania opponents. This distraction lets The Primetime Players get in some offensive moves against Team Hell No. It€™s all to no avail though, as Kane chokeslams Darren Young and gets the victory. Of all the Wrestlemania matches announced so far, this one interests me the least. Ziggler should not be in a tag team and neither should Daniel Bryan. If it were just these two going one-on-one, I€™d be totally down. I just hate that they are facing off in a tag-team match. A few months back, the WWE got really into tag teams. We had Sin Cara and Rey Mysterio as a team, Team Hell No, Epico and Primo, The Primetime Players, Kofi Kingston and R-Truth, Rhodes Scholars, etc. Why can€™t any of those TEAMS face off against Team Hell No? A few of those teams have split/been injured, but I don€™t see the point of the tag-team division right now if it€™s going to be the same pool of three teams forced to face each other 27 times a month.


I'm a 31 year old writer and stand-up comedian from the good ol' USA. I graduated from the University of Southern Indiana with a degree in Communications that I use to to write jokes on the internet. I'm an avid gamer, media consumer, and pro wrestling fan. I'm also the co-host of the podcast Pop Culture Pizza Party, available on iTunes and Spotify