WWE RAW Review: CM Punk Urns Respect

TRIPLE H IS GONNA KICK YOUR @$$ AT WRESTLEMANIA BROCK LESNAR That€™s what this segment was. What started as bloody feud a few weeks back, we are back into regular Triple H €œI AM THAT DAMN GOOD CATEGORY.€ Triple H talks about how great he is going to be and how he is going to win at Wrestlemania. Yeah, he says a few nice things about Brock Lesnar (HE€™S A MONSTER MACHINE BLARGH!), but this was about Triple H being the coolest guy in the room because he€™s wearing a leather jacket to cut a promo. If that wasn€™t enough, he figures hell, why not take out some talent in the process? And he does just that when he hits Wade Barrett in the crotch for interrupting his in-ring masturbation session. Wade Barrett just won an awesome Triple Threat match last week against two great contenders. Surely, he€™d get some respect. Nope. He got to face The Miz again. WADE BARRETT VS THE MIZ This match was nowhere near as great as last week€™s Triple Threat Match. The match also used a tactic that I hate. Last week, Wade Barrett won his match against Jericho and The Miz. This week, The Miz picks up a victory over Wade Barrett. If they want Wade to continue losing, WHY DOES HE ONLY WHEN THE BELT IS ON THE LINE? It makes absolutely no sense. The only reason The Miz or Jericho or Kofi Kingston keep getting title matches is because they keep beating him in non-title matches. Wouldn€™t it make sense from a storyline perspective to have Wade Barrett beat these clowns in the non-title matches SO HE DOESN€™T HAVE TO GIVE THEM TITLE SHOTS?! It makes no sense from a storytelling perspective, sports perspective or any other perspective other than what Vince McMahon sees. If you don€™t want Wade Barrett to be your champion, then don€™t make him be your champion. I€™m sure The Miz will probably take on Wade Barrett at Wrestlemania for the title and he might win it. Who knows.


I'm a 31 year old writer and stand-up comedian from the good ol' USA. I graduated from the University of Southern Indiana with a degree in Communications that I use to to write jokes on the internet. I'm an avid gamer, media consumer, and pro wrestling fan. I'm also the co-host of the podcast Pop Culture Pizza Party, available on iTunes and Spotify