WWE RAW Review: CM Punk Urns Respect

THE SHIELD VS THE JOB SQUAD This match featured the talents of Zack Ryder, The Great Khali, and the-ever-changing hairstyles of Justin Gabriel. The SHIELD looked tough in this match and they picked up the easy victory over Job Squad 2013. I wasn€™t super impressed by the triple powerbomb they did to the Great Khali. That€™s probably more of Khali€™s fault. He clearly isn€™t used to having anyone try anything athletic on him so he just held on for dear life and took the power bomb. After the match, Big Show, Sheamus, and Randy Orton came down to attack The SHIELD. The SHIELD ran away in fear like they have been doing for the past week or so. This is when the angle is starting to die. When you have your tough guy group be afraid of the good ol€™ boys club, they stop being scary. The SHIELD shouldn€™t be afraid of Orton or Sheamus. Hell, the Big Show isn€™t that scary, I mean, he just learned a few months ago he could use his hands to punch people. He might forget again. I€™m not sure how the Wrestlemania match will be but I€™m sure it will upset me either way. RHODES SCHOLARS VS TENSAI AND BRODUS CLAY It appears that Tensai and Brodus Clay are going to be a full-time team now. Their match against Rhodes Scholars was enjoyable enough. After two weeks, I€™m still not sure where the Bella Twins fit into the whole thing. Maybe they will do an 8-man mixed tag match at Mania. I€™m just happy that Tensai has found something resembling success after this past year which has mostly been a disaster. Sure, I wish Tensai could be half the wrestler in the WWE that he was in Japan, but I guess being called €œSweet T€ and not having people chant Albert constantly is a small victory. Rhodes Scholars continue to be hilarious and educational. This is why most wrestling fans probably hate them.


I'm a 31 year old writer and stand-up comedian from the good ol' USA. I graduated from the University of Southern Indiana with a degree in Communications that I use to to write jokes on the internet. I'm an avid gamer, media consumer, and pro wrestling fan. I'm also the co-host of the podcast Pop Culture Pizza Party, available on iTunes and Spotify