WWE RAW Review: The Weirdest Contract Signing Ever Edition

RYBACK VS DAVID OTUNGA Hey, it€™s personal friend of Halle Berry and Harvard graduate David Otunga! Surely the WWE will reward his dedication to promoting The Call with a win. FEED ME MORE! Oh, nevermind, looks like Ryback will be destroying him. And that€™s what happened. While the match was going on, I was more concerned that the commentators mentioned Ryback being in the 6-man tag match against The SHIELD. I truly thought the WWE was going to completely abandon the Mark Henry and Ryback feud because of the match on Smackdown. Luckily, that didn€™t happen. Oh, I almost forgot, David Otunga lost this match because, well, that€™s what David Otunga does. After the match, Vickie Guerrero comes out and says that if Ryback wants a match at Wrestlemania, it€™s going to be against Mark Henry. I€™m so happy they didn€™t abandon this feud. I€™m strangely looking forward to it. I€™m aware it has trainwreck potential, but dammit, Mark Henry has been awesome for the past year and a half and it€™s time he gets a high-profile match at Wrestlemania (Wrestlemania 22 Casket Match aside). I loved that Mark Henry continues to dismiss Ryback as if he€™s nothing, even after Ryback Shell-shocked Otunga a second time. You got this Mark. No worries. FANDANGO VS THE GREAT KHALI And people said that Brodus Clay€™s entrance was over the top. Fandango enters through streamers, fireworks, and of course, ball room dancing. I loved every moment of it. By the time he reached the ring and had a giant Psycho Sid style fireworks display in shape of him ballroom dancing, I realized this idiot just became a made guy in my eyes. I was truly worried that his first match was going to be against The Great Khali. Luckily, that didn€™t happen. Instead, he wooed Natalya into saying his name. And he did it in a very sincere way. I don€™t know why the ladies of the WWE are put off by Fandango. He doesn€™t run them down or degrade them. He treats them with respect. But whatever, Natalya, if you€™d rather be with the giant guy who can barely bend his knees, go for it. And for a third week in a row, we almost got to see Fandango debut. I hope when he finally does debut, it€™s for the WWE Championship and we live in a world of Fandango€™s reign of €œtoo much masculinity€ for years.

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I'm a 31 year old writer and stand-up comedian from the good ol' USA. I graduated from the University of Southern Indiana with a degree in Communications that I use to to write jokes on the internet. I'm an avid gamer, media consumer, and pro wrestling fan. I'm also the co-host of the podcast Pop Culture Pizza Party, available on iTunes and Spotify