WWE RAW Review: The Weirdest Contract Signing Ever Edition

R-TRUTH VS DAMIAN SANDOW This was a fun mid-card match. R-Truth has been ok since coming back from his injury. We still don€™t know the status of Lil€™ Jimmy though, which some might be concerned about. Hopefully, he€™s nowhere near Lil€™ Wayne. This match was fast-paced and short. Both guys got in about an equal amount of offense, but when Truth started getting the upperhand, Sandow bailed and got counted out, giving Truth the victory. I always love when the WWE has count-out finishes because it shows how inconsistent they are with them. If it€™s a high-profile title match, the referee doesn€™t start the count for 12 minutes, and even when he does start, it€™s €œ1 APPLE MISSISSIPPI APPLE MISSISSIPPI€€€€€€€2!€ If WWE needs a match to finish by count-out, the refs start rattling off numbers like he€™s an auctioneer. Get some consistency. UNDERTAKER PROMO This is what everyone was really looking forward to last night. How would the Undertaker react to having his urn stolen? Yes, this sounds hokey as anything, but hey, you gotta build a feud around something. A stolen urn is as good as anything. The Undertaker made his way down to the ring and cut a promo about being disrespected, etc. And that he will destroy Punk at Mania. CM Punk comes on the Titantron and is shown holding the urn backstage. He talks about how he will be the one to beat the Undertaker at Wrestlemania and destroy the streak. He does this while mocking Paul Bearers voice, and tossing the urn around. At the end of the promo, he drops the urn, which is super disrespectful to The Undertaker. I haven€™t been able to figure out if the urn is supposed to have Paul Bearer€™s ashes in it or if it is just one of Undertakers many urns. For the sake of the feud, I€™ll assume Paul Bearer€™s ashes are in them. The WWE has done a good job with this feud going into Mania. They€™ve managed to be distasteful without falling into offensive territory, and given their previous track record, that is really saying something. I cannot wait to see Punk take on the Streak at Wrestlemania.

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I'm a 31 year old writer and stand-up comedian from the good ol' USA. I graduated from the University of Southern Indiana with a degree in Communications that I use to to write jokes on the internet. I'm an avid gamer, media consumer, and pro wrestling fan. I'm also the co-host of the podcast Pop Culture Pizza Party, available on iTunes and Spotify