WWE RAW Review: The Weirdest Contract Signing Ever Edition

TEAM HELL NO VS EPICO AND PRIMO Team Hell No continues to take on teams they€™ve already beaten 20 times. This week€™s stroll down memory lane is Epico and Primo. Kane and Daniel Bryan appear to be back on the same page after having been teased as breaking up for the past few weeks. The big deal during this match was the reemergence of AJ Lee interfering in the lives of Kane and Daniel Bryan. Although her music came out and distracted Kane, Team Hell No ultimately got the victory over Epico and Primo. I was left wondering why they would infuse AJ Lee into Team Hell No€™s lives again, especially this close to Wrestlemania. Luckily, that would be answered just a few matches later. CODY RHODES VS ALBERTO DEL RIO Blah blah blah, champs beating mid-card guys blah blah blah. I€™ve said it a million times before and I€™ll say it a million times again. Thankfully, this match was good. This wasn€™t the immediate armbar finish that the two had a few weeks ago. Cody actually got to put on a match against Del Rio. It wasn€™t the best match of the night or anything, but dammit, it was an actual match. I enjoyed it. From now until Wrestlemania, you can pretty much guarantee anytime Del Rio is on-screen, Jack Swagger is somewhere close by. Last night was no different. After Del Rio won by submission, Jack Swagger runs down and attacks him. You can tell the WWE wants this feud to feel personal. If it didn€™t have that feeling before last night, it certainly does now. The penultimate moment of the feud happened last night when Swagger €œbroke€ Ricardo Rodriguez€™s ankle. I use the term broke loosely. If Ricardo comes to the ring next week wearing the wrong type of brace (like Triple H wearing a knee-brace on his arm when Lesnar broke his arm), we will know the broken bone is for real and that this feud is personal. Jokes aside, I continue to be impressed by Jack Swagger€™s transformation and look forward to seeing how he does post-Wrestlemania, you know, if that whole €œDrug and DUI Arrest€ doesn€™t come back and bite him.

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I'm a 31 year old writer and stand-up comedian from the good ol' USA. I graduated from the University of Southern Indiana with a degree in Communications that I use to to write jokes on the internet. I'm an avid gamer, media consumer, and pro wrestling fan. I'm also the co-host of the podcast Pop Culture Pizza Party, available on iTunes and Spotify